Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"we are one" by The Kittens

This past week, we had a birthday. And now, we are officially CATS (though we will be known as The Kittens for all eternity). We got a lovely big cat-sized kitten bed so that we won't crowd Mom & Dad anymore, but we only sleep on it during the day. At night, we're still more comfortable sleeping with our parents :)

This is the first picture ever taken of us. Dad took us into his office, put us in a box, called Mom to come pick us up, and the rest is history.

We knew that if we just kept eating, eventually we would grow up big and strong (and, as it turned out for one of us, very fat)

We spent most of this past year eating or playing or sleeping. Sometimes we ate what we weren't supposed to, but that was just part of the fun

Here we are today, all grown up! And still adorable as ever!

Friday, March 03, 2006

whaddya mean "there's no prize in this cereal"???

Soot and Sunshine

Always getting into trouble

Sometimes it's knocking over picture frames
Other times it's rifling through mommy's purse

But today, it's digging through the cereal box

for the prize

but there is NO prize in healthy Quaker Oats Squares!

Poor kitties really should learn to read :)

"i've got the cutest little poopy face" by Corey Ann

My name is Corey Ann.
And I have a poopy face.

Whether I'm resting...

or happy...

or even asleep...

I always look like I just ate a $#*! sandwich!

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