Wednesday, September 20, 2006

geriatric cats - updated

Sadly, both of our geriatrics have passed away. Oscar on December 31 and Dilli on March 1. They were a big part of our lives and will be greatly missed. Thanks to everyone that has offered their sympathy and kind words.




As you probably know, we have two geriatric cats here at the Flying C Cat Ranch.

Oscar is 13 and is in advanced stages of renal failure. He went to the doctor last week and his sub-Q fluids were increased from 100cc twice a week to 300cc every day. He was also put on antibiotics and was given a drug cocktail to help prevent nausea and keep him eating. Since then, he has been doing better and has been less mopey. Only now, his right eye is constantly running (that's why it's droopy in the pic) - as if all the extra fluids I'm pumping into him are just turning into tears! He still doesn't like to be held or picked up, but he seems to enjoy a petting every now and then. On HIS terms, of course!

Dilli is 17. Physically, she's doing okay except the arthritis in her hips. Mentally, she's another story. Dementia has her out in left field most of the time. She often goes 'on patrol' where she walks the same perimeter over and over and over. Sometimes she finds herself in the dark or in a dead end and doesn't know where she is so she howls. A torturous, sorrowful yowl. Sometimes she does this at 3am and it's very hard to be understanding. Sometimes she stares. Stares at us, stares at our food, stares at the carpet, stares at nothing. She's deaf, so we can walk right up to her and she won't know we're there until we touch her and she jumps out of her skin. This can be fun for us, but every now and then I worry that she'll have a heart attack. She also licks. She has licked all the hair off her belly and has moved on to her legs and sides. She used to only do this when I went on vacation, but now it's constant.

The kittens (now 1.5 years old) are mostly good to the old folks. Sunshine is the protector and can often be found sleeping with one or the other (never both, as Oscar and Dilli don't like each other). Corey Ann loves her Uncle Oscar and follows him until he gets annoyed with her nose up his butt! Smudge will curl up with her Tante Dilli on the couch and sleep for hours. And Soot will play with them both, chasing Dilli when she's feeling spry, and Oscar whenever he walks past.

Unfortunately I don't know how long the senior citizens will be with us, but we will continue to enjoy them while they're still here!

Poor old pumpkin and oscar! it is good that they have such a loving home and lots of kids about to live out their senior years. :)
Does Dilli have cataracts?

You did a nice write up about the seniors.

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